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What to do in Mozambique Vilanculos April 7, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — craigieboy @ 7:47 am

It is always somehow adventerous to travel to Mozambique, but you can only travel for so long when you start to feel that you have seen the same things over and over again. But, the good news is that Vilanculos offers you quite a lot. Unfortunately some of it is a bit on the costly side.

1. Island Trips

Vilanculos is probably the best known for the Bazaruto Islands that are not too far away, actuly partly visible from the town Vilanculos. The Bazaruto Islands consits of 5 Islands, the biggest being Bazaruto Island itself. The other four are, Benguerra, Margaruque, Paradise Island also known as Santa Carolina, and the smallest of them all Banque Island. If you plan to visit Vilanculos, a trip to one of the Islands is a must, something brilliant to experience. It is possible to visit the Islands for only one day, and you dont have to sleep over. It makes it a lot cheaper. Make sure that the people whom are taking you over is paying the fees to go onto the island, otherwise you will be so close, and not be able to put your feet on the Island.

The Island trips are most commenly known for snorkeling with some of the most beautiful fish in the sea. Most of the people whom are organizing these trips does have snorkeling gear. So there is no need to buy your own if you cannot afford it rigt now, but my opinion is that it is always better to have your own gear, since you can use it at other places as well. Probably a bit more costly, I would recommend Paradise Island (Santa Carolina) as my first choise, and Margaruque as a second if I had to choose an Island to go to. But, going to Paradise Island from Vilanculos is a bit far with a Dow (Wooden boat), therefore a Ski Boat is needed, and makes it expensive. You can however go to Paradise Island from the town Inhasoro. There is a Lodge called Bill Fish Lodge that does those trips, for not too much.

Here are a couple of photos of the Islands.

Although there are a lot of buildings on Paradise Island, you are not allowed to overnight at this stage. There are not any hotels that are in operation. It is somehow sad to see all the buidings, the church and even a prison standing there, but also very pretty. The only people living on the Island is security officials.

Notice the crystal clear water. You can never say that the water will always be like this, but it very possible, since it is very shallow along most of the Islands. You also get this very beutiful water view when you are standing in the town Vilanculos. It is clear to see how shallow it is all the way to the Islands, and with Low tide some sand banks emerge out of the water between Vilanculos and the Islands, so much so that it almost seems possible to just walk over to some of the Islands…but I wouldn’t try it.

2. Snorkeling other places

3. Scuba Diving

4. Deep Sea Fishing

5. Horse Riding

6. Hanging out in a pub

7. Visiting the Market

8. Eating at a Restaurant

9. Swimming

10. Boat trips


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